Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act
On February 2nd, Representative Rush Holt introduced the Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2005. This act amends the Help America Vote Act by: providing for a voter-verified permanent record or hard copy, requiring the Election Assistance Commission to research best practices to ensure voter-verification accessibility for language minorities and disabled voters, requiring research labs to avoid conflicts of interest while testing voter hardware/software, extending the authority of the Election Assistance Commission indefinitely, providing for filing of complaints with the Attorney General, requiring federal certification on the technological security of registration lists, and mandating random and unannounced hand counts of voter-verified records. Passing this bill will represent significant progress towards streamlining the voting process and improving voting accuracy.
Read H.R. 550

There are currently 141 cosponsors. To support this piece of legislation please contact your Congressperson.  
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