DOJ issues Guidance on Redistricting and Retrogression (Section 5 VRA)

Reported 1/19 by:

Edward Still
Director, Voting Rights Project
Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
1401 New York Ave., NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20005-2124
Voice: 202-662-8600
Fax: 202-783-5130

The Civil Rights Division has issued the Guidance Concerning Redistricting and Retrogression. You can find this at 66 Fed. Reg. 5412 or on line at (scroll down to Justice Department and you have a choice of seeing the document in text or as a PDF document).

On Shaw and benchmarks, the Guidance says:

 "Therefore, a redistricting plan drawn to replace a plan found by a federal court to violate Shaw v. Reno will be compared with the last legally enforceable plan predating the unconstitutional plan. Absent such a finding of unconstitutionality under Shaw by a federal court, the last legally enforceable plan will serve as the benchmark for Section 5 review. Therefore, a jurisdiction is not required to address the constitutionality of its benchmark plan when submitting a redistricting plan and the question of whether the benchmark plan is constitutional will not be considered during the Department's Section 5 review."

Under "Alternatives to Retrogressive Plans," the Guidance says:

"Preventing retrogression under Section 5 does not require jurisdictions to violate the one-person one-vote principle. See 52 FR 488 (Jan. 6, 1987). Similarly, preventing retrogression under Section 5 does not require jurisdictions to violate Shaw v. Reno and related cases. ...

"In assessing whether a less retrogressive alternative plan can reasonably be drawn, the geographic compactness of a jurisdiction's minority population will be a factor in the Department's analysis. ..."

The Guidance reiterates the policy cited in the letter to Arizona about the Section using PL 94-171 data to review plans even if some other data was used by the jurisdiction. And there is helpful guidance on how to count those who reported multiple races.