Key Facts, U.S. House Elections: 1992-1996

  Representation Index Eligible Voters Voter Turnout Wasted Votes
% of Wasted
R Votes & D Votes
1994 23.4% 193,198,000 70,604,515 (36.6%) 25,306,818 (36%) R 31%, D 39%, O 93%
1992 31.8% 185,105,441 96,234,825 (52.0%) 36,326,157 (38%) R 42%, D 29%, O 95%
  Avg. Margin
Of Victory
Votes Received
Seats Received
High/Low %
Voter Turnout
1996 NA NA 52.2 - 47.6 - 0.2 NA NA
1994 34.4% 52.4 - 45.4 - 2.2 52.9 - 46.9 - 0.2 6.0% H: 60 (MN-6, OR-6) L: 10 (NY-12)
1992 30.5% 45.4 - 50.8 - 3.8 40.5 - 59.3 - 0.2 9.1% - - -

Results: 1982-1996

  1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996
Partisan Breakdown (R-D-O) 166-269-0 182-253-0 177-258-0 175-260-0 167-267-1 176-258-1 230-204-1 227-207-1
Landslide Index 69% 75% 81% 85% 74% 61% 63% 64%
Scale of Competitive- ness Competitive: <=5 35 30 25 19 33 52 51 40
Opportunity: 5-20 101 79 59 45 79 117 108 116
Landslide: 20-40 136 131 115 135 165 153 133 157
No Contest: >=40 163 195 236 236 158 113 143 122
Incumbents Total/Total Seats 383/435 409/435 391/435 408/435 406/435 350/435 383/435 382/435
Re-Election/ Total Incumb. 354/383 393/409 385/391 402/408 391/406 326/350 349/383 361/382
Landslide/ Total Incumb. 268/383 319/409 332/391 359/408 309/406 227/350 256/383 260/382
R. Landslide/R. Incumb. 90/168 133/155 123/159 139/163 111/156 92/139 140/157 135/212
D. Landslide/D. Incumb. 178/215 186/254 209/232 220/245 198/250 134/210 116/225 125/169
Untouchable (Repeat Land) 204 244 270 312 278 186 193 223
Uncontested Primary 245 249 262 291 275 178 204 204
Elected Women 21 22 23 25 28 47 47 51
Elected Racial/Ethnic Minorities 19B 8L 3A 18B 11L 3A 21B 11L 4A 22B 10L 4A 25B 10L 2A 38B 17L 4A 38B 17L 4A 37B 20L 4A


The following is a glossary for the accompanying chart "Key Facts, U.S. House Elections: 1982 - 1986" and "Results: 1982 - 1996." The full chart -- along with charts for all fifty states -- will be available later this year.

Representation Index: Measure of the percentage of eligible voters who elected a candidate in House elections; it is determined by multiplying voter turnout by the percentage of votes cast for winning candidates
Wasted Vote Index:
Total: Number of votes cast for losing candidates
R-D-O: Percentage of voters for Republicans, for Democrats and for other candidates who did not help elect a candidate
Votes and Seats: Percentages of votes and seats won by Republicans, Democrats and others; "O" refers to independent and third party candidates
Drop-Off Voters: Percentage of voters who participated in a statewide race but did not vote in a House election
High/Low % Voter Turnout: The congressional districts with the highest voter turnout in a state (H) and lowest voter turnout (L) in a state
Landslide Index: Percentage of all races won by at least 20%
Scale of Competitiveness:
Competitive: Won by 5% or less
Opportunity: Won by between 6% and 20%
Landslide: Won by least 20%, but less than 40%
No Contest: Won by at least 40%
Untouchable: Incumbents who won by landslides in both 1992 and 1994
Race/Ethnicity: Measure of the number of representatives from a state who are black (B) Latino (L) and Asian (A)
Elected Women: Measure of the number of women in a state's House delegation


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