South Carolina

Racial Representation Of the voting population of 1,383,187, 29.0% are black and 2.4% are Latino.  Under the current six-district system, black voters make up the majority in one district.  There is currently one black representative from South Carolina.  Under the proposed super districting plan, black voters are well-positioned to elect a candidate of choice in Super District B, and black voters in coalition with other racial minority and white voters are well-positioned to elect a candidate of choice in Super District A.
Political Analysis In the 2000 Presidential election, George W. Bush won South Carolina with 57% of the vote over Al Gore's 41%.  The state's Democratic partisanship is 42.5%.  Despite making up two-fifths of the voting population, however, Democrats can only elect a candidate of choice in one district.  Under the proposed super districting plan, voters would likely elect three Republicans and two Democrats with one swing seat.



            2000 Presidential Vote

    % Black % Latino
State CD Bush (%) Gore (%) Other (%) Total Origin Origin
South Carolina 1 139758 (58.7%) 91510 (38.4%) 6849 (2.9%) 238117 20.9% 2.5%
South Carolina 4 151975 (64.3%) 78449 (33.2%) 5843 (2.5%) 236267 19.7% 3.2%
South Carolina 5 119052 (54.9%) 93637 (43.2%) 3979 (1.8%) 216668 32.2% 1.8%
Total   410785 (59.4%) 263596 (38.1%) 16671 (2.4%) 691052 24.0% 2.5%

Winning Percentage:

Voting Rights Analysis: Black voters in coalition with other racial minority and white voters are well-positioned to elect a candidate of choice.
District Partisanship: 39.7% This super district would likely elect one Democrat and two



            2000 Presidential Vote

    % Black % Latino
State CD Bush (%) Gore (%) Other (%) Total Origin Origin
South Carolina 2 145953 (58.3%) 97985 (39.1%) 6374 (2.5%) 250312 26.2% 3.3%
South Carolina 3 142414 (63.2%) 77694 (34.5%) 5185 (2.3%) 225293 20.5% 1.9%
South Carolina 6 87252 (40.3%) 126287 (58.3%) 2991 (1.4%) 216530 56.7% 1.5%
Total   375619 (54.3%) 301966 (43.6%) 14550 (2.1%) 692135 33.9% 2.3%

Winning Percentage:

Voting Rights Analysis: Black voters are well-positioned to elect a candidate of choice.
District Partisanship: 45.2% This super district would likely elect one Democrat and one
Republican with one swing seat.


This proposal is based on the current congressional districts of South Carolina.  Because current congressional districts are often the results of gerrymandering, the proposed super district boundaries are not as smooth and nice-looking as they could be in a similar proposal that made use of sub-congressional district data.