Sierra Club Endorses Instant Runoff Voting and Proportional Representation 

The Sierra Club, the nation's oldest and largest grassroots environmental organization, with over 600,000 members, on July 22, 2000 voted "to support alternative electoral methods that better reflect the diversity of public opinion." The wording was intended by board members to include not only proportional voting, but other variations. Here is the complete resolution: 

Resolution on cleaning up politics: 

"Working on the current election is not enough. The single-round, winner-take-all political process has problems. We support alternative electoral methods that better reflect the diversity of public opinion . We need to get big money out of politics by closing loopholes in current campaign finance laws, establishing effective spending limits, and adopting public financing for Senate and congressional candidates. We support the free television time proposal developed by the Alliance for Better Campaigns. It is unrealistic to believe that such changes can be accomplished in this election, which will be over in a few months. It's too large a job,and the time is too short. 

"Important issues relating to globalization, trade agreements, democracy and the environment have been raised in a substantive way by Ralph Nader. Sierra Club supports many of Mr. Nader's environmental and campaign finance reform proposals. While the Sierra Club does not endorse Ralph Nader in this election, we believe that serious third party candidates, including Mr. Nader, should be included in presidential debates."