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ABC Radio Australia

June 18, 2004

ABC Radio Australia
PNG Electoral Official Hails Success of New Voting System 
June 18. 2004

The Papua New Guinea Electoral Commission says it has successfully
conducted three by-elections using the new Limited Preferential Voting
system for electing members of the national parliament.

Under the system, voters elect their representatives by indicating their
first, second and third preferences on the ballot.

The chief electoral commissioner, Andrew Trawen, says it has reduced
election related violence.

''The Limited Preferential Voting system - LPV - has broken the barrier in tribal areas... especially up in the areas where there is always tribal
fights," Mr Trawen said.

"This is very good for the country as it brings peace and it has shown some maturity in our election process in the country and people are starting to respect one another," he said.

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