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Current Non-Majority Governors

(Updated January 2004)

Of  the 50 elected governors in the United States, 15 won at least one of their general elections with less than 50% of the popular vote and 7 additional governors  won a primary election by a mere plurality.   In the 1990-2003 period overall, there were 36 states and one territory with governors who had won either their primary or general election with less than 50% of the vote. Most recently, Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger won the 2003 special election in California with 48.6% of the vote and Democrat Kathleen Blanco was elected governor of Louisiana after having received 31% of the Democratic vote in the first round. In the 2002 general elections, eleven governors won by a plurality vote, including California's Gray Davis. Two current governors have won more than one election by plurality: George Pataki (NY) and James Doyle (WI).    

AL: Riley (General 2002: 49%)

MO: Holden (General 2000: 49%)
AZ: Napolitano (General 2002: 46%) NE: Johanns (Primary 1998: 40%) 
CA: Schwarzeneggar
(General 2003: 48.6%)
NH: Benson (Primary 2002: 37%)
CO: Owens (General 1998: 49%)

NY: Pataki (General 2002: 49%,
                       General 1994: 49%)

CT: Rowland (General 1994: 36%) OK: Henry (General 2002: 43%)
IL: Blagojevich (Primary 2002: 37%) OR: Kulongoski (General 2002: 49%)
LA: Blanco
(1st Round Primary 2003: 31%)
SD: Rounds (Primary 2002: 44%)
ME: Baldacci (General 2002: 47%) VT: Douglas (General 2002: 45%)
MA: Romney (General 2002: 49.8) WA: Locke (Primary 1996: 45%)
MI: Granholm (Primary 2002: 48%)

WI: Doyle
(General 2002: 45%,Primary 2002: 38%)

MN: Pawlenty (General 2002: 44%) WY: Freudenthal (General 2002: 49.9%)

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