European Union, South African, and Indonesian Elections Use Proportional Representation, June 1999

Links to Proportional Representation in Europe, Indonesia, and South Africa

Elections for the European Parliament, the only directly elected multi-national assembly in the world, were held between June 10 and June 13 of this year.

For Results, visit the BBCís comprehensive coverage at:

Elections for each country are run slightly differently, but most countries use a form of proportional representation, and many of those use the díHondt method of seat allocation. To view statistics on each country, as well as details on their specific voting and representative selection procedure, click on any country at the bottom of the above page.

For an explanation of the díHondt method as applied to the election in the United Kingdom, visit:

The Irish Times, at, has complete coverage of the elections in Ireland on June 11, 1999 at:

The Scotsman Online, at, covers Scottish elections, which utilize proportional representation as well. A search for "proportional representation" should reveal a host of articles discussing the current uses in Scotland, as well as the entire United Kingdom.

Asia Society, at, has a report on Indonesiaís 1999 Elections, including the elections laws, at

The Electoral Institute of South Africa, at, includes information on election results from their two democratic elections, both using proportional representation.