Monopoly Politics West Virginia 2000

3 seats: 3D     D 53

Because of Bob Wise's open seat, West Virginia is sure to have its first new U.S. House Member since 1982. The lowest winning percentage for these incumbents in the entire decade has been 63%, but Wise's open seat is vulnerable; despite the apparent stasis, all three districts saw a rise in projected Republican performance in 1996, and a Republican was elected governor. Nonetheless, Democrats Alan Mollohan and Nick Rahall are uncontested this year for the third consecutive election.
  1. Alan Mollohan (D), 1982Uncontested*
 '98: 85 U'96: 100'94: 70'92: 100 D50-50
  2. OPEN [Bob Wise, D, 1982]Vulnerable
 ['98: 73'96: 69'94: 63'92: 71] 50-50
  3. Nick Rahall (D), 1976Uncontested
 '98: 87 U'96: 100'94: 64'92: 66D 59