SB 1114
Background and Procedural Information

On January 14, 2008 Florida Democratic Senator Charlie Justice introduced Florida Senate Bill 1114 (FL S.B. 1114).  On May 2, 2008 FL S.B. 1114 died in a Senate Committee.  

Under the proposed legislation, are single-member districts a requirement or otherwise implied?

Yes.  All Congressional, Florida Senate, and Florida House of Representative districts are required to be single-member.  

Does the proposed legislation provide for Voting Rights Act compliance (e.g. can the commission use voter history information)?

The bill requires the commission to use five redistricting standards.  The fifth standard requires the commission to not “dilute the voting strength of any racial or language minority group.”  There is no language in the bill that prohibits the commission from using voter history information.

Under the proposed legislation, how is the commission formed?

The President of the Senate, the Senate Minority Leader, the Speaker of the House and the House Minority Leader shall each appoint two members from their own party to serve on the commission.  These eight members then appoint a ninth member, who cannot be a member of either major party, to serve as chairman.  The final redistricting plan must be approved by six of the nine commissioners.
Under the proposed legislation, are competitive districts favored?

No.  The five standards that guide the commission do not include any provisions on creating competitive districts.   

Under the proposed legislation, can members of the public submit plans?

No.  Members of the public may not submit plans.   

Does the proposed legislation allow for mid-decade redistricting?

Only if a court has ordered it.  
July 21st 2005
Reformers back bill on redistricting
Roll Call

Tanner's Redistricting bill gains support, slowly but surely.

May 30th 2005
Ending the Gerrymander Wars
The New York Times

The New York Times endorses Representative Tanner's redistricting bill.

May 24th 2005
Tanner bill would stop mid-decade remaps
Roll Call

Representative Tanner's bill would prevent mid-decade redistricting and help increase electoral competition.

April 19th 2005
Battle royal brewing over redistricting
The San Francisco Examiner

Instead of focusing on redistricting reforms, California should adopt a non-winner-take-all voting system to make elections more competitive.

April 10th 2005
National Guidelines Needed to Ensure Fair House Districts
San Jose Mercury News

FairVote's Rob Richie and John Anderson call for national redistricting standards to prevent the looming state-by-state

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