IRV Op-Eds
January 1st 2001
Flunk the Electoral College, Pass Instant Runoffs
The Progressive

FairVote president John B. Anderson advocates national direct election of the U.S. president with IRV

December 13th 2000
Two easy ways to reform elections
Christian Science Monitor

The current electoral system severely hurt Al Gore's chances in the 2000 election, leading many to ponder the impacts of certain electoral reforms, such as instant-runoff voting.

November 12th 2000
The Case Against the Electoral College
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

October 1st 2000
The Perils of the Electoral College

FairVote's Steven Hill provides an explanation to why the Electoral College must be eliminated and how American democracy can improve through electoral reforms like direct election of the President through an instant runoff voting system.

July 24th 2000
Blanket primary has other solutions, and it's not Louisiana's
Roll Call

As we consider improvements to Congress, we also have to examine the process by which public officials are sent to Washington.

July 5th 2000
Ralph Nader is a Reformer, Not a Spoiler
New York Times

FairVote's John Anderson argues that Nader's role in presidential elections is crucial in offering new political views and ideas to the public in hopes of reforming elections, rather than "spoiling."

October 17th 1999
The Columbian

This article discusses the Vancouver Columbian's endorsement of Amendment 1, which is the charter amendment to give Vancouver the option of using instant runoff voting (IRV) in future elections.

October 6th 1999
Instant Runoff Is One Reform That Works
The Columbian

In this article John Anderson and John Gear introduce the advantages of Instant Run off Voting, which is a fairer, cheaper and a better election method through its success in Australia, Ireland and smaller towns throughout the United States.

June 13th 1999
With More on Ballot, Runoff Plan Essential
St. Petersburg Times

Martin Dyckman offers his thought on various voting reforms, including instant-runoff voting and proportional representation.

November 8th 1998
Give a 'Body' a Mandate
St. Petersburg Times

Making a strong case for instant-runoff voting, Martin Dyckman refers to Jesse Ventura's election as a prime example of why this reform is long overdue.

September 13th 1998
These Reforms Will Get Voters To the Polls

FairVote's Jamin Raskin and Rob Richie argue that cumulative voting, instant runoff voting (IRV), and proportional voting are needed to reform our undemocratic election system.

May 21st 1998
Streamlining runoffs

FairVote's Rob Richie and Steven Hill argue that the mud-slinging political strategy of campaigns will be eliminated with an instant runoff voting (IRV) system.

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