Published October 31st 2006 in A1 Plus

�Judge by the stir created on the Electoral Code (EC) we can conclude whether the authorities are eager to hold just and fair elections or not,� says Shavarsh Kocharyan, head of the National Democratic Party (NDP) board. He claims that there will be multiple frauds in the forthcoming elections.

Today, Mr. Kocharyan focused on three important issues which give us an opportunity to imagine what objectives the authorities pursue while endorsing the amendments to the RA EC.

Mr. Kocharyan asked the Venice Committee the question whether there is any connection between the elections and the EC. It turns out that �the EC is a necessary but not sufficient precondition for just and transparent elections.�

The second question refers to the ratio of proportional and majoritarian systems.

All post-Soviet countries, passing on to the democracy, have chosen proportional system, whereas the countries striving to have dictatorship are inclined to majoritarian system. Azerbaijan is a brilliant illustration which has passed on to the 10- percent majoritarian system,� says Mr. Kocharyan.

Shavarsh Kocharyan underlines the importance of forming election committees as a precondition for just and transparent elections. He says that both the authorities and the Opposition representatives must have equal seats in the committees and there must be equality among the administration. �If the head of the committee is a high-rank official, his deputy and secretary must be from the opposition and the vise versa.�