FairVote California
270 Alvarado Rd.
Berkeley, CA 94705

Board Members
Pete Martineau

David Wilner

Rob Dickinson

Click here for bios.

California Reform Initiative

Best Methods for Representing California

FairVote Wonks Out on Primary Politics

Ron PaulWith the first contests of the 2008 presidential primary less than a month away, FairVote has launched two of its famous Innovative Analysis reports on both the Democratic and Republican candidates.

We run the numbers on "Caucus Math," studying the peculiar effects and complex strategies that flow from the Democratic method of picking delegates in Iowa. We also examine the differences in the Republican primaries, with winner-take-all delegate selection, and the unusual tactics of 2008 spawned by a frontloaded primary calendar.

Attention Press! Join FairVote, The Century Foundation and the Advancement Project on Thursday, December 13 at 11:00am for a special press briefing on how to cover the 2008 primaries. Click below for full details.

[ Telephone Press Briefing on the Primaries ]
[ The Democrats ]
[ The Republicans ]

Electoral Reforms Endorsed in CA
Policy Convention for Latino Community Backs Proportional Representation and IRV
The National Latino Congreso unanimously endorsed a resolution by Californians for Election Reform calling on Governor Schwarzenegger to sign AB 1294, a bill allowing general law counties and cities in California to implement proportional representation and instant runoff voting should they so choose.

Many Latino empowerment groups have also backed AB 1294, including the Latino Voters League, Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF), the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project (SVREP), and the William C. Velasquez Institute (WCVI).

The Congreso also recommended that instant runoff voting be used in all Los Angeles elections.

[ Resolution 5.03 - Ask the California Governor to Sign AB 1294 ]
[ Resolution 5.05 - Instant Runoff Voting for the City of Los Angeles ]
[ CfER's Action Page for AB 1294 ]

FairVote-Endorsed Civics Bill Passes
New CA Measure Will Increase Accountability
The California General Assembly passed a FairVote-endorsed bill (AB 183) that requires every school district with at least one high school provide voter registration information to students. Under the new law, if signed by Governor Schwarzenegger, schools must report their voter registration efforts on their website or school newsletter. Current California law designates the final two weeks in April and September as "High School Voter Weeks," during which time deputy registrars of voters are allowed to go into high schools and register students and staff. This new proposal will ensure all students, regardless of where they attend school, have an opportunity to register to vote in the non-partisan atmosphere of a classroom.

The original version of the bill, introduced by Assembly Member Coto, mandated that students register to vote (or opt-out in writing) as a graduation requirement.

[ AB 183 - As introduced 1/24/07 ]

[ AB 183 - As amended 6/1/07 ]
[ FairVote's letter of support ]
[ Pending proposals and enacted laws for 100% Registration]

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May 21st 2009
Herbkersman, Richie: Time to run off runoffs
The State

Runoffs after primaries can mean big plunges in voter turnout. Rob Richie and SC State Rep. Bill Herbkersman explain how IRV can achieve both majority consensus and eliminate separate, expensive runoffs.

May 17th 2009
Why states should adopt the National Popular Vote plan for president
San Diego Union-Tribune

FairVote's Rob Richie writes that the Electoral College deepens political inequality, and explains why the National Popular Vote plan is our best opportunity to ensure that every vote for president is equally valued.

May 14th 2009
Let's Make Every Vote Count
The Nation

Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of the Nation magazine, highlights FairVote's research in an important piece on the "broad support" growing in the states for the National Popular Vote plan to elect the president.

May 5th 2009
Larry R. Bradley and Rob Richie: To increase voter turnout, try a more efficient election process
Omaha World-Herald

Op-ed by author Larry Bradley and FairVote Executive Director Rob Richie on why Omaha should dump its low turnout primaries in favor of instant runoff voting.

April 19th 2009
Why not voters' education for teens?
The Knoxville News Sentinel

Jack McElroy makes the case for 16-year-old advance registration and civics ed classes for Tennessee youth.

April 9th 2009
States Move to Create Culture of Voter Engagement through Preregistration
TPM Caf�

Project Vote's Erin Ferns highlights FairVote's effort to pass 16 and 17-year-old pre-registration bills in Rhode Island and California.

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