Sequoia Voting Systems
Sequoia Voting Systems
 7677 Oakport St, Ste 800
Oakland, CA 94621
CONTACT: Alfee Charles
PHONE: 510/875-1283 or cell phone 916-719-9729
FAX: 510/875-1226
Name of DRE (direct recording electronic)/Optical Scan Equipment for public electionsOptical Scan and two types of DRE
Precinct-based error correctionYes
Ability to handle cumulative voting (hardware)Yes
Current software's ability to handle cumulative votingThey are currently working on making such changes.
Ability to handle rank order ballots (hardware)Yes
Current software's ability to handle rank order ballotsThey are currently working on making such changes.
If can handle both hardware and software: memory capacity? i.e. how many ballots  and races using rank-order ballots each machine can handle?   
Accessibility for disabledYes
Language flexibilityYes
Ballot image storageYes
Cost of upgradingThey are already independently doing such upgrades; don't know what extra cost would be