State Background Info:
  Upcoming SoS Elections:

Minnesota Electoral Situation
Absentee ballots require an excuse: yes

Early voting: yes

Felons: The State of Minnesota prohibits felons currently on probation, in prison, or on parole from voting. Once an individual has completed their sentence, their right to vote is automatically restored.

ID Laws: First-time voters who register by mail and do not provide ID verification with registration application need: a driver's license or Minnesota identification card; showing any document approved by the secretary of state  as proper identification;  showing one of the following: a current valid student ID card from a  postsecondary educational institution in Minnesota; a current student fee statement that contains the  student's valid address in the precinct together with a picture identification card; having a voter who is registered to vote in the precinct sign an oath in the presence of the election judge vouching that the voter personally knows that the individual is a resident of the precinct; for tribal band members living on an Indian reservation, an individual may prove residence for purposes of  registering by showing an identification card issued by the tribal government of a tribe recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, United States Department of the Interior, that contains the name, street address, signature, and picture of the individual.

Mandatory poll worker/election official training: yes

Paper trail: yes

Provisional ballot validity determined by jurisdiction of voter, not precinct: same-day registration

Registration deadline: Register 20 days before the election or on Election Day.

Uniform voting system: no