Essays from North Dakota


Essay themes: Current political system does not encourage original thinking, educate youth to believe their ideas are viable

Youth on Politics

The time is upon my generation to soon replace our elderly political mentors. However, we come to find that interest in such political involvement by youths has decreased. To solve this dilemma we must first uncover the cause of the issue. An ordeal surely uncovered by my well-known audience. As a youth about to embark on a wondrous journey known as life, I find that my own political involvement is at a standstill. The events that take place do not interest me because they seem to have little to do with my future or well-being and more with the well-being of our country's appearance. The "Machiavellian" approach that our nation has with other countries sickens me to the very core. We feed those that we feel have something to offer us, ensuring the well-being of our country as well as making a place for us in the global spot light. The rouge for our truly ugly political face. The key to increased youth involvement does not lie within reforms or electoral rules, rather with simple education.

Every morning in grade school we stood up and placed our hands over our hearts to ignorantly recite the pledge of allegiance. I had no idea of what the words we sputtered meant or why we were reciting it in the first place. This pledge then lost all significance and I became as the others in my class, simple sheep. Our government has taught us to follow and not to lead. To sustain democracy we must allow free thought to take over the classroom and strike down blind acceptance. By provoking children to question the democratic way we also provoke interest. As if stoking a small fire, their interest will grow and they will then desire to be involved. The key to our democratic survival lies in our ability to compromise and adapt. As the world changes we to must change with it and take care not to be left behind. By learning from the mistakes we have made in the past we can avoid them in the future. Mistakes are blessings dressed in black, a necessity to any form of government. By educating youths on the mistakes of democracy, we will insure the future of it. We understand that our government is only as human as the population and henceforth mistakes will be made. By realizing the utter imperfection of our deeds we can then learn to prefect them.

Acceptance is another method of increasing the involvement of youths. If we acknowledge their ideals as rational and plausible factors in the political scene, they will be less likely to keep these thoughts to themselves. Instilling confidence in the youth will allow them to grow strong and independent. Both of these traits are necessary in those that plan to lead the country and aid in the decision making process. No concept is wrong in the sense that, in the mind of he who thought it, a purpose it will serve. The very rough cut theories are foundations for strong and successful concepts. Allow children to use their imaginations unoppressed and the country will reap the benefits of it. Changing times calls for changing views. We must look into the past at other governments that have fallen. Democracy is just as likely to fall as any other form of government. To prevent such a disaster, we must understand that inflexibility only leads to fractures and eventually a downfall of the political structure.

Teaching the youths of America the virtue of flexibility will strengthen their acknowledgment of the liberties we have. This will invoke patriotism and later participation. Why would anyone who despised his or her country wish to take any part in the democratic process? The increase of children who wish to be involved will cause a fluctuation in the way things are done. When new problems arise we will be prepared with new ideas and methods of solving them. These ideas and methods may attract a negative outlook by those who are elder to the youths in control. They might find the concepts risqu�' and of immense risk. However appalling these things may seem to others, we will find sanction in their outcome. Risk is as necessary as mistakes. Without risk takers the question of our political soundness would not have come to light. Columbus would not have sailed the sea and no one would have ventured with him.

We will have much to look forward to in the next century. New ideas and concepts concocted with the technological advancements will make for an exciting future. Tomorrow is only a sunrise away and without youthful involvement that dawn will be futile. I agree that we do need to nudge youths into participating, however no rule will ever bring about such an event. We must realize the rebellious nature of youths in this respect. Only then will we be able to overcome this travesty.