• Oklahoma ranked 47th in the Center's "democracy index," which is a measure of overall rankings.
  • Oklahoma

    6 seats: 5R, 1D

    Where It Ranks Among the States (House Elections 2000)

    • Voter Turnout: 39th (43%)
    • Victory Margin: 27th (37%)

    Facts in Focus

    • The average margin of victory in Oklahoma was 37% -- a landslide win.
    • Five of six (83%) of House races in Oklahoma in 2000 were won by landslide margins of 20% or more. This landslide index follows the trend set in 1998, which was the highest since 1986-1990, when it also was 83%.
    • 71% of adults in Oklahoma did not vote in 2000 for the person who represents them in the U.S. House.
    • Democrats received 31% of the vote in 2000, but only 17% of seats in the elections
    In the 1982-2000 period, 52 incumbents sought re-election in House races in Oklahoma. All 52 were re-elected.

    How Oklahoma ranked in 2000

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